Coaching Options
There are a variety of arrangements, options, and packages to get you going in the direction you envision. Coaching packages come with real-time support. Voxer is a (free) “walkie-talkie” app that you can use to text or voice chat with me on demand. No appointment needed.
If it’s not the right time for a package, you can always book an individual session or we can come up with an arrangement that works for you.
Group Masterclass
Small group coaching is an ideal option for those who enjoy learning together with up to five accountabili-buddies, or for anyone who wants to save a few bucks relative to individual coaching.
Student Coaching
For undergrads or graduate students who could use some support understanding and making the most of their unique mental wiring.
Finish that thesis. Write that paper.
If it’s the right time to seek some professional coaching to help you git er done, let’s chat.
Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth
ADHD challenges show up in everyday life, not just at work! ADHD coaching is for the whole person. Our work culture was not exactly made for neurodivergent people, but they can and do thrive in their careers with the right tools and a sound understanding of the ADHD brain.
I use a sliding scale based on your financial circumstances (for example, if you’re a student).
If you feel strongly this kind of coaching is important for you to have right now but you’re not in a place financially to invest in a package, let’s talk. No judgment, and certainly no pressure.
Questions about coaching? Drop me a line using this form and I will get back to you within 48 hours.