About ADHD

You have a beautiful mind.

ADHD is a misnomer.

The ADHD brain does not lack the ability to focus. It focuses unevenly, even unpredictably, and under specific conditions.

You may have found yourself saying, “When I get into the groove, I can accomplish great feats.”

The ADHD brain is structurally and functionally different. It is resourceful, creative, and powerful in many ways.

ADHD manifests in many ways.

Not only are there subtypes of ADHD, but symptoms present differently during different stages of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and senior years. This along with misconceptions about what ADHD looks like can make it difficult to spot and easy to dismiss. Many are diagnosed well into adulthood — especially women.

An evolving understanding of the dynamics of your unique mind is invaluable in navigating changes and challenges, and making the most of the strengths of the ADHD brain.

You do not need to be transformed, but coaching can be transformative.

Your brain is different, and that’s normal.

You are not insufficient, defective, or doomed to fall short. Your mind works differently and thus requires different strategies, support, and structure.

The standard “productivity hacks” tend to miss the mark when it comes to ADHD brains. Coaching can equip you with tools that work for your unique wiring, so that you can work with your mind, not against it.